mercredi 19 novembre 2014

Ethan Hawke goes time-traveling in sci-fi thriller 'Predestination'


Predestination chronicles the life of a Temporal Agent sent on an intricate series of time-travel journeys designed to ensure the continuation of his law enforcement career for all eternity. Now, on his final assignment, the Agent must pursue the one criminal who has eluded him throughout time.

The film is based on the Robert A. Heinlein short story '"—All You Zombies—", and stars Ethan Hawke, Sarah Snook and Noah Taylor.

This was already released in Australia a few months back and it received some positive reviews. (for those who care - IMDB 7.7/RT 82%)

Looks quite interesting though. I like teh Hawke.


VIDEO-CLick to Watch!:

Click the spoiler tab to see an accessorized and mustachioed Ethan Hawke on the poster!


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