mercredi 19 novembre 2014

Dawn of Justice vs Civil War vs Apocalypse

All three tentpole films are released in the spring of 2016. In just 18 short months you will have seen all three! Each is coming off of the success of a heavy box office hitter (Man of steel, Winter Soldier/Age of Ultron, Days of Future Past). So I ask you....


- Which will be the most successful at the box office?

- Which will critics regard most favorably?

- Which will be your personal favorite?

So far we haven't seen all that much from any of these movies. Feel free to update your predictions as more news is released.

My official 18 month out predictions:

- Which will be the most successful at the box office? BvS: DoJ, this film has the good fortune of going first. If head to head against Evans/Downey on the same weekend, I truly doubt Cavill/Affleck would have what it takes. Even still it might be close. I guess we'll see.

- Which will critics regard most favorably? Civil War, judging by Marvel/Disney's history compared to Warner Bros and Fox, the critical acclaim will likely go in Captain America's winged hat.

- Which will be your personal favorite? X-Men: Apocalypse, under no normal circumstances would I have put an X-Men film above a MCU film, but in this case I think I will be thirsty for one. Fox's X-series may have some ugly step children, but if, with Singer's help, McAvoy/Fassbender pull off three in a row I'll certainly be thrilled.

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