lundi 17 novembre 2014

Centralized School Systems

I keep seeing Schools in the news and rarely in a good way. It's usually a teacher trying to force feed Christianity, Islam or some other religion or even their own political views on issues. The point is...there is too much personal choice in what is being taught to children to where any wacko idea can be fed to hungry, growing minds and this is not a good thing.

I recently discovered this idea of centralized school systems where curriculum is decided upon and strictly enforced by an oversight committee (or something similar depending on your country) and I think this is actually a pretty good idea. First and foremost...religion shouldn't be taught in public school. UNLESS it's involving a history project. ( can't talk about the middle ages without mentioning the catholic church) But learning about practices and beliefs which don't pertain to the topic should not be discussed as they have no relevance on the topic. (ie, it may be important to know that Muslims follow Allah, but we don't need to go into detail on the names and attributes of Allah as it is not relevant) Same with any other religion.

Political views have NO place in a class room unless it's an opinion piece that each student writes up in order to perhaps prove their opinion is the most convincing...but teachers should not attempt to sway students political opinions.

I feel like having a more centralized, strictly enforced system would grealty benefit the American school system.


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