samedi 4 février 2017

The Villains Problem

So, I believe in the years since The Dark Knight, we have had a villain problem. This isn't exclusive to one studio, I believe Marvel AND DC and Fox and Sony etc. etc. have consistently had a hard time bringing compelling, memorable, formidable villains to the screen to oppose the protagonists. So what's the problem?

Since 2008, we've had about 25 CBMS, out of those CBMS, only Loki, General Zod, Winter Soldier and, I would say, Fassenber's Magneto have really only left an impression. Everyone else has been so throwaway, so forgettable and just there to cackle at the hero or heroes. Why are the screenwriters having such a hard time writing compelling, menacing villains? Or is it the screenwriters? Is it the actors themselves who just aren't landing the material? Or perhaps, the focus is put squarely on the heroes in these movies altogether and the villains are an afterthought?

What are your guys' thoughts? Or is there no problem at all, in your opinion and maybe its fine that the villains serve a functional purpose?

The Villains Problem

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