jeudi 2 février 2017

March Movie Box Office Madness 2017

March has a big name movie slotted to come out each week next month.

March 3rd: Logan

March 10th: Kong Skull Island

March 17th: Beauty and the Beast

March 24th: Power Rangers

March 31st: Ghost in the Shell

SO I think we can safety say that BATB is going to come out on top, but who do you think brings home the Silver Medal?

Logan seems like the most logical choice but with it being rated R, it kinda limits its pool of paying customers. Kong comes out early enough in the month that it could make some bank, but Power Rangers is a dark horse for sure. I think it can safely be guessed that Ghost in the Shell will take the 5th spot.

So what do you think things play out?

1. Beauty and the Beast
2. Logan
3. Power Rangers
4. Kong
5. Ghost In the Shell

March Movie Box Office Madness 2017

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