dimanche 30 novembre 2014

All Things Batman v Superman: An Open Discussion - - - - - - Part 113

This is a continuation thread, the old thread is Here

Title Change?

What are the chances? I really do hope that before the first teaser is released, they change the name of this thing.

General Star Wars Episode VII News/Speculation/SPOILER Thread - - - - - Part 20

This is a continuation thread, the old thread is Here

the proper way to read the Hype Community Section

So, when is HBO gonna get around to making a Dune series?

I haven't actually gotten around to reading the book, much less those that follow it (though I would like to at some point). But from what I've heard, it's so expansive and dense and not-film-friendly, that doing it as an HBO series, in the same manner as Game of Thrones has been done, would seem to be the best way to go.


Are you basic?

Are you?

It's okay, this is a safe space.

Interstellar - Part 10

This is a continuation thread, the old thread is Here

Darth Bane?

So I couldn't help but notice when bane appeared on the clone wars he looked nothing like the bane they designed for season 3 (and which was later removed). I didn't think much of it but the helmet and costume of the new sith from the trailer looks just like him.

John Doman as Carmine Falcone

I saw that Falcone doesn't have his own thread. Come on, this guy has been great. :D

I'm Looking to Buy a New Laptop

Hopefully I'll be buying a new laptop in the next year.

Basically Im looking for these things

-NOT A MAC or a DELL (I hate Dells)

-Has a Blu Ray drive (although Im noticing that some laptops dont even have CD drives anymore)

-Comes in black

-Very portable, 14"-15" screen

-Reliable,Durable, good battery life, etc.

Does anyone have any models or brands that they would like to recommend?

De-Age Peggy Carter and Have Her Join the Team

If Agent Carter is a hit, how about the idea of giving Peggy her youth back and having her join the modern team?

It's an easy concept to write now that Whitehall has done it to himself. Create a scenario where Peggy has information that could save thousands. Her health and mental state are so bad that Coulson can't access the information. With Whitehall in SHIELD custody, have Coulson order Simmons to perform the procedure Whitehall did on Skye's mom to Whitehall himself using his own notes. This would put Simmons in a moral crisis and make good drama. What would the rest of the team think about Coulson ordering the butchering of a guy in order to give Peggy her youth back?

How would Peggy feel being pulled in to the Inhumans/GH-325 club without consent? After she's young again and aiding Coulson's team she would have to hide from her loved ones (kids, Sharon, Steve)for their own good just like Coulson is hiding from the cellist. Maybe have fears of the procedure not being permanent or having side-effects.

As they work and lament isolation from those they love, maybe Phil and Peggy would develop romantic feelings. She would feel guilty and never want to tell Steve. Coulson would feel the same way doing such a thing to his idol. All this would add quite the texture to season's three or four.

Henry Cavill IS Superman - - - Part 14

This is a continuation thread, the old thread is Here



...Josh Boone (The Fault in Our Stars) clearly relishes a challenge and having taken on the adaptation of Stephen King's The Stand is now looking to tackle Imajica. Together with Jill Killington, he's announced that he's working to adapt Imajica as a one season TV series...

Josh Boone : "I have this vision in my head of doing all these books I loved when I was young and kind of bringing them to the screen at the highest level they can be brought at, because I know how it was in my head when I read them and how vivid they were...

"When I was a kid I loved this book, Imajica, and we're going to do like a one-season TV mini-series of that novel... I was doing press for Fault [in Our Stars] and this incredible company - I love these guys - called MRC called me and said, 'What do you want to do; we'll option anything you want?' and I said, 'I want to do Imajica as a TV series,' and they were like, 'Let's do it,' and they went and made the deal and I was meeting Clive Barker a couple of weeks later - an incredible experience...

"I'll fit it in after The Stand. You know, there's really nothing like Imajica on TV, it's so out there that like there's not really anything competing with it that makes it that hard to do and we'll do that - I think I shoot the pilot after the first Stand movie and squeeze that in nicely between the first one and the second one."

Josh Boone: The Fault In Our Stand

By Kevin Smith, Hollywood Babble-On (note - full audio at: http://soundcloud.com/hollywoodbabbleon), 17 November 2014

Mark Miller : "We're in talks [for Imajica]. That's all [I'm] allowed to say. I'm excited. It's one of my favs too!"

Twitter Updates

By Mark Miller, 11 November 2014

New naming scheme?

Sorry if this is addressed elsewhere (I looked).

But are they no longer including the "Episode #" in the title? Will this be applied to the OT & PT?

Marvel Studios Presents: Spider-Man (Create Your Own Series) Thread

I know this has been done a lot, but I thought it would be interesting to see all of your ideas for a Spider-Man movie (or even a TV show) made by Marvel Studios.

Type away!

Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: Cast and Creators Live at PALEYFEST DVD


This product is manufactured on demand using DVD-R recordable media. Amazon.com's standard return policy will apply.

samedi 29 novembre 2014

The ISB: Imperial Speculation Bureau

Here we may discuss the Empire's progress into the new trilogy and its continuing efforts in the war against the Rebel Scum!

These guys are still hanging around and using Stormtroopers and TIEs, so obviously the death of the Emperor was not quite the fatal blow to the Empire as a whole that the Rebels thought it would be.

So, what speculation has emerged and what remains to be repeatedly pored over and hypothesized about? A brief overview of the stuff that I have heard (feel free to correct me or add in your own rumors/confirmations):

The Empire apparently exists in a state of Cold War with the Republic.

Stormtroopers continue to make their presence felt throughout the Galaxy, and one of our heroes has abandoned his post, deserted in the line of duty.

TIE fighters continue to screech across the skies and space.

A chrome Stormtrooper, with a hood, was spotted on set, and speculation labels the Trooper as Gwendoline Christy, with further hypothesizing arguing she may be the light-claymore-wielding Hunter we see in the teaser. Supposedly, she is tracking down our deserter.

So, what state is the empire in? Are we talking a large territory and man power still on a scale over that of the Republic? Or are we talking a militarized and tested rump state, where they have finally learned to defend their small territory through massive training and indoctrination? Will we see a single Emperor or a despotic war council? How aggressive are they?

And, perhaps most importantly, do they have any remaining ties to the Sith and the older adherents of the Dark Side?

Want to admin the DC Cinematic Universe Facebook page?

Hey guys, I run the DC Cinematic Universe page on Facebook and I'm looking for people to help admin it. I am looking for people knowledgeable about the DC movies and comics. If you are interested, please reply and give reasons for why you would be a great asset. We have over 686,000 fans! The link to the page is below!


Gotham City Fire Department t-shirts

I am wondering if anyone knows where I can buy a shirt like this but one that says Gotham City instead?

[IMG] [/IMG]

If not Gotham I would settle for Metropolis. I have tried searching but I cannot find anything?

The Role of HYDRA

Assuming HYDRA isn't written off in a b.s. move in the first minutes of Avengers:Age of Ultron, what role do you guys think they will play here?

I'm guessing that while the major conflict of the film will be internal and between the heroes, I'm guessing HYDRA will provide either a motivation for the plot or serve as a secondary villain to be defeated (temporarily) by both sides.

If they appear, I really want them to bring in Viper/Madame Viper/Madame HYDRA. She's an excellent character who can serve as a mirror for both Captain America and Black Widow.

I had some ideas about casting. My first thought was to cast Angelina Jolie.

All she would have to do is play Maleficent again and it would be perfect. Unfortunately, Madame HYDRA is a extremely physically-demanding role and she might not be up for that. Another problem with casting Jolie is that she's a huge star and wouldn't show up on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. which is where I'd like to see her introduced and have her spend some serious time there.

Because of all these problems, I tried to think of actresses who I like and wouldn't have the problems listed above and I came up with one who I like (and think might be even better than) Jolie: Summer Glau.

She can do the physical, she can play cold and terrifying, she's a Whedon alum, and she can do both film and TV. (It's also a much meatier part for her than my first MCU role for her was. I had been thinking she could play Death in A:IW 1&2.)

Hypelitism Is Wrong - Part 1

This is a continuation thread, the old thread is Here

John Boyega Thanks Fans and Blast the Racist

Thank you for all the love and support! The fan mail and fan art has added to my joy! Isn't it crazy that Star Wars is actually happening? I'm in the movie but as a star wars fan I am very excited! A year is a long time but it will be worth the wait.

To whom it may concern...

Get used to it. :)


The Ongoing Serie A, La Liga, All English Football, Champions League Thread - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Part 29

This is a continuation thread, the old thread is Here

Fantastic Four ROTSS vs. XMO Wolverine

Both films have a similar RT score, so why not compare them?

They're both disappointing sequels to disappointing films- however, ROTSS is considered better than the first Fantastic Four film, while XMOW is considered worse than X3. They also are accused of ruining a villain in the third act of the film (Galactus and Deadpool).

So which turd stinks less?

The Official John Stewart thread

Welcome to the official John Stewart casting thread.

While I think Hal will be the Green Lantern, we can't denny that if they want to expand and make the Corps big and nice they need to have John Stewart's presence as the second human GL.

Besides the obvious favorite fan casting Idris Elba who do you think will be the best fit for the role?

The Official Hal Jordan/Kyle Rayner thread.

Welcome to the official Hal Jordan casting thread. Yeah I know I put Kyle Rayner too. I'm 90% Hal will be the first GL in this DCCU but if he isn't I think they can go with Kyle with the personality of Hal. We'll see. But IMO from one of those names are the first GL. Johns presence in the DCCU is what highlight for me that Hal will be there.

And as for the casting... I'm shocked with this guy...

for either Hal or Kyle

Jake Gyllenhaal

What's your opinion and your casting?

Coffee Breath or Cigarette Breath - What's Worse?

Every now and than someone has to get right in your face and blather about stuff, and you are hit with a wave of rancid air making you nauseous. I can't stand it, so I always offer a piece of gum to the offender to make it more tolerable. So which is worse? You decide!

Marvel Plans For Episode VII?

Right now we're about to get three SW-related series from Marvel, but has there been any word about what they'll do closer to the release of The Force Awakens?

A prequel to the movie maybe?

Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens Trailer #1 Discussion - Part 1

This is a continuation thread, the old thread is Here

Volkswagon Creates 300 MPG car

Volkswagen creates 300+ mpg Car

It effectively uses "one litre of fuel per 100 km, equivalent to 282 miles per gallon. The resulting vehicle uses just 0.9 litres per 100 km, or 313 mpg, and this high mpg figure correlates to a very low carbon dioxide emissions value of just 21 g/km. "


The Most Disappointing CBM franchises

When you look a certain franchises body of work, which ones disappoint you the most? I'd have to say:

1. Superman: The Quintessential Superhero hasn't had a good film since 1981, and for this reason, he's my number one. Due to bad decisions, inactivity, bad films like Superman III and IV, and middling ones like SR and MOS, Superman has lost a bit of relevancy these past few years.

2. Fantastic Four: The First Family of Marvel has received shoddy treatment. Instead of capturing the wild imagination of the comics, Tim Story's films feel more like lame CBS sitcoms, and the less said about the upcoming film, the better.

3. Thor: Has yet to have a truly memorable film, and I say this as someone who enjoyed the first movie.

4. Spider-Man: The first two Raimi films are undeniable classics....which is why its a shame that this franchise hasn't had a good movie in about a decade. The Spider-Man films are fast losing relevancy due to the mediocre reboot series. Spider-Man is the crown jewel of Marvel, so Sony shouldnt make the same mistakes WB has with Superman.

There's more I could list, but that was off the top of my head...

Voiceover in the Teaser?

So who do you think it is?

Adam Driver?

Andy Serkis?

Max von Sydow?

Benedict Cumberbatch?

Daisy Ridley?

Someone else entirely?

Please share your thoughts and/or clips of the actors speaking so that we can solve this mystery together.

vendredi 28 novembre 2014

Which Is Worse?

Being stuck behind someone walking too slowly


Ending up in front of someone walking too fast?

Because, let's be honest, they're both f***ing terrible.

the tone of this movie

why is everyone so convinced that this story will be less violent than Man of Steel? I'm not convinced that just because a certain group of people found it too depressing and not full of jokes, that DC is going to be more hopeful. I'm just wondering have the studios come out and say that is the plan? I pray they keep the same tone of MOS without any changes. Like cute crap, like"it goes downhill after first kiss. That was for a lighter tone.

The Force Awakens GIF / Avvy Thread

Post sweet gifs and avvy requests here.

Do you like the new lightsaber?

Some people like it, some people hate it. How do you feel about the new lightsaber in Star Wars: The Force Awakens?

Star Wars Teaser Montage! A New Hope to The Force Awakens!

VIDEO-CLick to Watch!:

Star Wars: The Force Awakens, RATE THE TEASER!

So the teaser has finally arrived. What rating do you give it and why?

VIDEO-CLick to Watch!:

Star Wars: Attack of the Teasers (A Retrospective, A New Hope to The Force Awakens)

Full video montage showing the evolution of Star Wars teaser trailers released from A New Hope to The Force Awakens!

VIDEO-CLick to Watch!:

General Star Wars Episode VII News/Speculation/SPOILER Thread - - - - Part 19

This is a continuation thread, the old thread is Here

Tawky Tawny... Yea, or Nay?

He's a gentleman, talking, anthropomorphic tiger in a suit... Is that TOO much for a modern SHAZAM route in a 21st Century film adaptation or has Rocket Raccoon shown that you can do such characters? Include him in all his goofy glory or tweak things? Personally I very much liked the version from the Black Adam/Superman Shazam short from a few years back. More the Wizards magical familiar than the three piece suit wearing living cartoon character from the books. Thoughts?

jeudi 27 novembre 2014

Could Shazam be referenced on Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice ?

We don't know anything except Lexy is gonna be in this as a villain. We have this area that apparently it's for multiple locations.

Kandaq too? Black Adam?

I say this because why the Rock announced so early his appearance in a 2019 movie? They must be planning something for him early that isn't Shazam related? IMO he can appear before Shazam, but we'll see. What do you think? Would you like the idea?

Shazam/Black Adam in Wonder Woman movie?

They have one thing in common. "Zeus". She's the daughter of Zeus. and he has the thunder of Zeus. Could that mean that Shazam/Black Adam be sort of connected in Wonder Woman universe?

Would you like it to happen?

I think The Rock's Black Adam has more possibilities. what do you think?

Black Adam in Justice League?

Let's be honest here. The Rock wouldn't make this announcement for a movie that is till 2019. So I think he will appear either on BvS or JL.

But what do you think?

Could Wonder Woman appear on Shazam?

They have one thing in common. "Zeus". She's the daughter of Zeus. and he has the thunder of Zeus. Could that mean that Wonder Woman be sort of connected in Shazam universe? Would you like it to happen?

Podcast Thread

Any podcast listeners?

Add your favorite podcast.

I'm currently obsessed with How Did This Get Made

Have you ever seen a movie so bad that it’s amazing? Paul Scheer, June Diane Raphael and Jason Mantzoukas want to hear about it!


Their episodes on Sucker Punch and Godzilla are fantastic.

Who should round out The Sinister Six?

So, the lineup we'll get in S6 will most likely follow the Shazam lineup:

Green Goblin

Doctor Octopus





But since there's a good portion of people who have no desire to see Rhino return, I decided to create a poll to see who they think would be a better option. This includes villains both used and unused.

He's half human. Aquaman's human allies.

Which human allies from Aquaman do you want to see in his film?

Dr. Shin, Sky Achelsay, Aaron Cole, Deputy Wilson, Professor Brant.. Who else?

The Ultimate DC/Marvel Tournament - Part 5

This is a continuation thread, the old thread is Here

Liu Cixin's Sci-Fi Books Become Big Movies

By Garth Franklin Thursday November 27th 2014 08:18AM

China is getting into the big-budget sci-fi feature game with China Film Group Corp. revealing that five films based on the works of award-winning author Liu Cixin are on the way.

China Film Group will produce three of them - "The Wandering Earth," "The Era of the Supernova" and "Micro Era". Liu himself will write the screenplays for those three projects which are each budgeted in the $40-60 million range.

Also reportedly in the works are film versions of "The Rural Body" and "The Three-Body Problem," the latter being the first in a trilogy.

Liu's writing is said to harken back to the age of classic sci-fi literature along Isaac Asimov and Arthur C. Clarke lines, whilst Chinese film audiences are increasingly showing themselves to be voracious consumers of cinematic science fiction blockbusters.

Source: Yibada

What would Darth Vader have done if Luke had joined him?

Darth Vader doesn't strike me as being very ambitious. I really can't imagine him being the guy in charge.

I picture him as kinda floating thru the days, acting according to his role, doesn't really care either way, just wants to do his job right. But not that he didn't care about winning or coming out on top. When anything like that was required of him, he would snap right into it and be ruthless and do whatever it takes to come out of a situation on top.

But I almost imagine it like 70s Elvis. Sure, when he has a show to do, he gives all of himself to it, that's just his nature, it's what he was born to do is get up there and sing and be Elvis, but really, looking at his life, he didn't care about anything. Day after day this doped up animal living in a house, wandering around from room to room, smoking cigarettes and eating pills, staying up all night, sitting in a chair, waiting to die pretty much.

I'm wondering if anyone can really picture Darth Vader being in charge of the Empire, and what that looks like to them.

I think if that happened, it wouldn't be long before Luke killed him and took over. I can only imagine how frustrated a Dark Side Luke would be dealing with him as the boss.

the Emperor and Luke... now that would've been a scary teamup.

2015 AFC Asian Cup - Are You Ready For Some Football?

I'm a football fan living in Dubai. I am really looking forward to the 2015 AFC Asia Cup as the winner of the tournament will earn the right to compete for the 2017 FIFA Confederations Cup which is really a great news for football fans all across the Asia.

The AFC Asian Cup Australia 2015 competition will kick off in Melbourne on 9 January 2015. The Asian Cup in Australia will be a three week 32 match festival of football.

I am sharing information about the tournament such as teams participating, locations and some facts.


Australia, Japan, South Korea, North Korea, Uzbekistan, China (outside GCC)

in GCC: Bahrain, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Qatar, Iran, Kuwait, Jordan, Iraq, Palestine


Sydney, Newcastle, Brisbane, Canberra, and Melbourne


(1) For the first time in its history, the tournament will be hosted outside the continent of Asia in Australia

(2) The winner of the tournament will earn the right to compete for the 2017 FIFA Confederations Cup

Who will win the 2015 AFC Asian Cup? Any GUESS?

Anyone following it? Would love to hear from you guys

Is it the Comic version Iron man?

I found this Iron man from below blog. Is it the Comic version Iron man?


Oscar Isaac and Jessica Chastain in 'A Most Violent Year'


Set in New York City during the winter of 1981, statistically one of the most violent years in the city's history, the film centers on the life of an immigrant and his family trying to expand their business and capitalize on opportunities as the rampant violence, decay, and corruption of the day drag them in and threaten to destroy all they have built.

A Most Violent Year is a 2014 crime thriller film written and directed by J. C. Chandor. The film stars Oscar Isaac and Jessica Chastain with Alessandro Nivola, David Oyelowo, Albert Brooks, and Catalina Sandino Moreno.


VIDEO-CLick to Watch!:

Not sure if there's a thread for this already, but I couldn't find one.

mercredi 26 novembre 2014

Would a Dazzler movie work?

I'm thinking a punk rock musical starring Lady Gaga set in the early 1990s. It starts where Dazzler Blaire (real first name: Alison) of the band Dazzler is on tour and in order to escape an onslaught of fans, Dazzler's guitarist Lila Cheney (played by Carrie Brownstein) opens a portal but doesn't consider to where and they wind up on a planet on the other side of the galaxy where reality TV reigns supreme and a media mogul is also a dictator who renamed the planet in his honor along with the countless other worlds he conquered. Alison and Lila need to escape from Mojoworld and return to Earth but with Lila's powers limited and only a strange alien named Longshot able to help, provided the two of them help him stage a rebellion.

Mojo's characterization would be heavily influenced by convicted former Italian President Silvio Burlusconi complete with explicit references toward Burlusconi's scandals.

And at the end, Longshot agrees to return with Alison and Lila to Earth and that's how Shatterstar is born to appear in X-Factor.

All music would be written and performed by Lady Gaga and Carrie Brownstein.

I don't like bullies! Shazam villains gallery

Let's discuss some of the best villains of Shazam!

Who should be the villain(s)?

Sinestro, The Manhunters, Star Saphire, which villain do you think will be in the upcoming Green Lantern film?

Who should direct Cyborg?

Which is your candidate for the upcoming movie "Cyborg"?

Shazam director? Which one can handle the MAGIC?

Wan is the favorite of many, he has the connection to The Rock. but who would you think will be apt for the role of the director of the migthy Shazam?

Who should direct The Flash?

This is the place where you can discuss about the possible candidates or your favorite choices for the director of the upcoming Flash movie.

I see the MAGIC!!! The Official Dr. Sivana Casting thread.

Welcome to the Official Dr. Sivana casting thread. Who would you cast for this role?

Without the Wrestling Thread, There Is...No...You! - - - Part 188

This is a continuation thread, the old thread is Here

Morena Baccarin Joins The Cast Of THE FLASH

Morena Baccarin is no stranger to the DC Universe after voicing characters like Black Canary, Talia al Ghul, and Cheetah over the years, but the beautiful actress is now bringing her lovely voice to The Flash. In fact, we've already heard it after Dr. Harrison Wells' A.I. assistant "Gideon" was introduced to us in last night's episode as the mysterious scientist was seen mulling over how his relationship with Barry Allen will impact the events of the year 2024. There's some speculation that Wells could be New Gods character Metron, and that Gideon could be a reference to another of those characters. However, that seems like a pretty far out theory, but we'll more than likely hear a lot more of Baccarin in coming episodes as it was recently revealed that neither Wells or anyone else for that matter will be outed as Reverse-Flash in the upcoming midseason finale. Thoughts?


Oliver Stone's "Edward Snowden"

Shailene Woodley has been cast as Lindsay Mills, girlfriend of Joseph Gordon-Levitt's character.

Rate Thor the Darkworld..............Once and for all

Once and for all rate Thor the darkworld on the poll

Free digital Storm(X-Men) #1 comic until 12/01/14 12AM EST

Free digital Storm #1 comic from 11/25/14 12:01PM EST until 12/01/14 12AM EST.

Once you have registered and have the app, you may simply click the link below to get straight to Storm #1 comic:


Click "Buy Comic" button and click the "cart (1 item)" button found on the upper right side of page. The next page will be asking for the promo code so you can buy it for free.

If you prefer comiXology to get the free comic, get here: http://ift.tt/1CgkyK6

Spread the news and enjoy reading!

Support the #SaveStorm hashtag campaign.

A time travel thought experiment on how far we have come...

It's easy to lose sight on the embarrassment of riches we have now and I was just thinking about the potential Cap vs BvS face-off.

Imagine going back in time 10 years or more. You meet your younger self and tell him/her that one day soon a Captain America movie would be more anticipated than Spider-Man, an X-Men Apocalypse movie, or a Batman vs. Superman movie.

How would your younger self react?

mardi 25 novembre 2014

Jurassic World - Part 5

This is a continuation thread, the old thread is Here

25 Undervalued Films since 2000


What so y'all say? What should be included. It's based on a mishmash of reasons for being undervalued- underexposed, did not receive proper accolades,etc.

Paul Giamatti In A Black Unbuttoned Polo

Naruto Online RPG

Naruto Online RPG Re-emerges With A New Trailer. November 24, 2014 . 4:30pm

Naruto Online is the second known major collaboration between Tencent and a major Japanese videogame publisher.


VIDEO-CLick to Watch!:

Bandai Namco and Tencent are working on Naruto Online, an online RPG that was announced in 2013, and the two companies released a trailer for game earlier in the month. (Thanks, Saiyan Island)

Naruto Online is the second known major collaboration between Tencent and a major Japanese videogame publisher—the first is Monster Hunter Online , an online game for the Chinese market that has been commissioned by Capcom.

Naruto Online is in development for PC.

Via: Anime News Network

Read more stories about Naruto Online & PC & Videos on Siliconera

source: Siliconera

All Things Batman v Superman: An Open Discussion - - - - - Part 112

This is a continuation thread, the old thread is Here

Official 'The Hobbit' Thread - - Part 16

This is a continuation thread, the old thread is Here

Did anyone like the Verhoeven remakes: the new Total Recall and Robocop?

Did anyone like the recent Total Recall and Robocop remakes?

Creepypasta - Part 2

This is a continuation thread, the old thread is Here

Is It Time For High School Football Coaches To Relax Their Stance On Lollygagging?


For as long as football has been an American tradition, high school coaches have taken a hard-line, zero-tolerance stance on lollygagging of all kinds. You can be big or small, outspoken or quiet, but if you’re an athlete standing on that football field, you had better not be lollygagging.

That’s just the way things are—but is it how they must always be?

We take it for granted that football coaches ought to criticize the dilly-dallying marshmallows on their team, and our acceptance of it just reveals how entrenched the no-lollygagging mentality is. It’s a sign of the stigma’s pervasiveness that the mere mention of a slack-jawed lollygagger is enough to send most coaches flying off the handle. Is the cultural moment finally right for coaches to seriously reevaluate lollygagging’s place in our high school athletic departments?

“Every day, do-nothing lollygaggers face persecution, verbal abuse, and public humiliation from coaches, simply because they’re standing around gawking at the football with their thumbs up their asses,” said Rémy Shapiro, the head of a private foundation that advocates on behalf of sissy drag-asses with their heads in the clouds. “These coaches live in a backwards, outdated world where they can just tell all the wiffle-ball dipsticks on their team to hustle, but that’s not our world.”

“It’s 2014,” he added.

How about you? Do you or your friends lollygag now, or have you in the past? If your son was on the football team and his coach called to say he’d been lollygagging at practice, would you fly into a rage or consider a more measured response? Let us know in the comments where you stand on the issue.


Well, what do you guys think? Personally, I don't mind it. I understand where the coaches come from, because a lollygagger is never good for anything, especially team-building and practicing for upcoming games and the such.

Thoughts? Feelings?

X-Men Apocalypse News and Discussion - Part 3

This is a continuation thread, the old thread is Here

Riots in Missouri - Part 2

This is a continuation thread, the old thread is Here

Should Arrow and The Flash be part same universe as this movie

Ok DC want their own universe but why can't they have these shows as part as that the characters would have been already established

Who would be the villain

Who would be the 1st villain in the next Batman movie I want to see somebody who hasn't appeared on screen before but they probably choose The Joker

Comic Armorize IRON MAN

I love it! I am so eager to get this Ironman!

May I know how I can buy that?