vendredi 28 février 2014

Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth (Greengrass?)


Well, it seems religion is now the hot commodity for Hollywood. With an audience primed for the release of ‘SON OF GOD’ this weekend (whose producers scored big ratings with their epic History Channel miniseries ‘THE BIBLE’); we will also be getting an adaptation of the best-selling book “HEAVEN IS FOR REAL” with Greg Kinnear (about a dad who has a near-death experience) on April 16th. Not to mention the upcoming ‘NOAH’ (March 28th) directed by Darren Aronofsky and ‘EXODUS’ with Christian Bale, directed by Ridley Scott, premiering in December. That’s a lot of religious themed properties hoping to have ‘PASSION OF THE CHRIST’ type box office numbers.

Well, add one more property to the list: ‘ZEALOT’. The best selling novel was reported last December by Buzzfeed with Lionsgate grabbing up the rights to adapt:

Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth, the somewhat controversial historical book about Jesus by Dr. Reza Aslan, will be adapted by Lionsgate into a feature film, the studio announced.

And now, a close source with knowledge of the project dropped a name for us as a possible candidate to direct. And it’s none other than Paul Greengrass (UNITED 93, CAPTAIN PHILLIPS, BOURNE IDENTITY 2 and 3). Our source confirmed that he is at the top of Lionsgate’s list with the hope that he’ll not only direct but also oversee the development of the project.

The full title of the book is “Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth,” authored by Reza Aslan; who made quite the headlines with a FOX NEWS interview that was both uncomfortable and embarssaing to witness.

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