jeudi 27 février 2014

Is the USA a pseudo-fascist state? (Police constantly abusing people)

I'm telling you, news stories in which police beat people up, harass people to fill quotas (stop and searches), arresting people for no discernible reason, and even killing people, these stories are constant.

Latest one, search on youtube 'Police brutality over a paid bus fair'.

I can't post it or link it because of the swearing.

A guy gets off a bus and police ask for his ID and ask to see his ticket. He shows them. They hold him any way. He asks them repeatedly why they're holding them and he doesn't get any answer. This goes on for a couple of minutes. He eventually tries to move, they grab him, more police arrive and they tackle him to the ground and sit on top of him, one cop can be seen delivering a kick to the head.

It's not the WORST, and that's sad that I even have to state that, yet its also clearly unacceptable.

Show me your papers please!

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