vendredi 28 février 2014

Batman Hates Doctors?

Last night the youngest of my brothers was watching videos of Batman Arkham Origins game, and he saw [blackout]Quincy Sharp talking about the two breakouts in one night, and why he should reopen Arkham Asylum.[/blackout] Another video my bro sat through was of [blackout]Harley Quinn talking to one of the Falcone's[/blackout], and the discussion of all the doctors Batman fought with ensued, any kind of doctor, the most prominent ones are psychiatrists

Doctors in Batman's rogues gallery:

  • Psychiatrists, and psychology specialists:

    • Dr. Harleen Quinzell/Harleyquinn: Loved Joker and went with him

    • Dr. Hugo Strange: Another psychiatrist, his obsession with Batman drove him beyond the brink, and turned him evil

    • Dr. Jeremiah Arkham: Became the second Black mask in recent years

    • Dr. Jonathan Crane/Scarecrow: Obsession with fear

  • Medical:

    • Dr. Thomas Elliot: Bruce Wayne's childhood pretender friend, arch rival

    • Dr. Victor Fries/Mr. Freeze: Ever since Batman:TAS turned him into the sympahtetic villain, later complete psycho

  • Notable Scientists:

    • Dr. Pamela Lillian Isley/Poison Ivy: Carries a Doctorate

    • Dr. Preston Payne/Clayface: He's the one with the deadly touch of clay, even after the gathering of Clay story he remained a villain, though he found a loving lady understanding him

    • Dr. Kirk Langstrom: Mostly a good guy, and an occasional ally of Batman, but evil in animation

Any other psycho doctor? Or a scientist?

KFC Not Serving Real Chicken: The Truth About KFC’s Name Change

We all know its bad........but this is borderline insanity. What greedy fast food companies will do to keep up with feeding this over populated bloated world while maximizing their gains and minimizing costs.

These images may be disturbing to some.



KFC has been a part of our American traditions for many years. Many people, every day, eat at KFC religiously. However, do they really know what they are eating?

During a recent study of KFC done at the University of New Hampshire, they found some very upsetting facts. First of all, why did they change their name? Several years ago Kentucky fried chicken became KFC. Does anybody know why? Most thought the real reason was because of the “fried” food issue. But that is not the case. The real reason why they call it KFC is because they cannot use the word chicken anymore. Why? KFC does not use real chickens. They actually use genetically manipulated organisms.

These so-called “chickens” are kept alive by tubes inserted into their bodies to pump blood and nutrients throughout their structure. They have no beaks, no feathers and no feet. They grow with multiple legs and wings on one “chicken”. Their bone structure is dramatically shrunk to get more meat out of them. This is great for KFC because it saves them money for their production costs. There is no more plucking of the feathers or the removal of the beaks and feet. The government required them to change their name and banned them from using the word “chicken”. I find this matter very disturbing. I hope people will start to realize this and let other people know.

Why isn't there a new godzilla game coming out?

Surely everyone who has played rampage would love a new godzilla game. I know my friends and I would love some multiplayer kaiju action.

I would probably play as mothra just for the laughs.

Would anyone else like to play a current gen godzilla game?

Where are all the Marvel games??

SERIOUSLY, where are they?

All we keep getting from Marvel is Mobile games that leave quite a lot to be desired, the latest one to be announced is the new Uncanny X-Men: DOFP, a 2d side-scroller.

The only major platform games they've released in the past several years have been:

-Lego Marvel, which is very fun a chock full o' characters, but is unavoidably light and kid-friendly

-The occasional Spiderman game, which have ranged from awful to passable lately


-Deadpool, which is definitely not kid friendly, but left a bit to be desired in the "good game" department

How is it that, with the multitude of CBM's coming out, as well as two shiny new platforms to exploit, only DEADPOOL has gotten a big-budget title?? Where is the follow up to Cap to coincide with TWS? How much insane fun would a Guardians of The Galaxy game be?!

The only thing I can think of is how cheap it must be to push through those little mobile games based on other games' platforms, but that's a lame excuse

Marvel needs to start makin' mine again!

So where do we go from here people? Celebrity Soylent Salami is people!

“Each salami will have roughly 30 percent celebrity meat and 40 percent lab-grown animal meats (we’re currently looking into ostrich and venison but pork and beef are more popular in our early research). The rest will consist of fats and spices. This break-down comes from consultation with expert food designers and chefs,” confirmed Kevin from BiteLabs."

So where do we go from here people? Celebrity Soylent Salami is people!

Scott Lang in Jessica Jones

Anybody think that there could be a Scott Lang appearance in Jessica Jones? They were kinda serious for a while, so it would be great if Paul Rudd made a guest appearance for an episode or two. Afterall, he did show up on "Friends" for the last couple of seasons.

The Latest Nightwing Neck Armor

This our latest Nightwing Neck Armor sculpted by Todd Gibson using monster clay. Molds in silicone, with free form support shells. Castings will be in urethane rubber.

Let us know what you think!

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Paul Rudd IS Scott Lang

Considering that JJ had a semi-serious relationship with him in the comics, do you think that Paul Rudd would be willing to show up on the Netflix series? Maybe it would only be for an episode or two, but it would a great crossover.

Check this out!


Anyone seen any good suits on the 'bay? Some awesome :hubba ones elsewhere, but mega money!

Phase 2

If Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Iron Fist, Luke Cage, Defenders = Phase 1 of the MCU Street Level what would you like to see for Phase 2?

I'd like a continuation of Daredevil and 3 new series; Heroes for Hire, Moon Knight and Punisher.

Perhaps have it culminate in a 4 parter involving Daredevil and Punisher.

General Topic Movie Lounge

i guess this thread is necessary to talk about general, non-specific observations of a movie related nature.

I was just thinking of this...I hate the Twilight movie franchise, but in the non-Twilight movies I Robert Pattinson shows that he can really act when given better material.

Also, Twilight related, Breaking Dawn Part 2 showed to me that Michael Sheen needs to do more action movies. I mean he was like Tony Blair Action Villain in that movie, it was awesome.

Yu-ti the august personage in jade

how wll he be used and will he dress like a lime cobra commander?

Rob Zombie/Bret Easton Ellis developing Manson Murders series


Bret Easton Ellis, Rob Zombie Team on Manson Murders Project for Fox (Exclusive)

Cynthia Littleton

Editor-in-chief: TV


Writer Bret Easton Ellis and director Rob Zombie have teamed with Alcon Television to develop a project for Fox that will revisit the people and events connected to the Manson Family murder spree in August 1969.

The project is envisioned as a limited series, but it is in the very early stages of development with Fox. Ellis is set to write the script and some additional materials. Zombie is on board to direct.

Zombie has long been fascinated by the Manson Family slayings, which left seven people dead in the Los Angeles area. Among the victims were actress Sharon Tate, who was eight and a half months pregnant at the time with the child of director Roman Polanski, and prominent Hollywood hairstylist Jay Sebring.

The killings were so gruesome, and the stories of Charles Manson’s level of control of his drug-addled young followers so disturbing, that Manson was convicted of first-degree murder and conspiracy charges even though he was never found to have committed a homicide himself.

Manson’s clutch of cult followers have been suspected of many other murders during that era. But it was sheer brutality and psychopathic theatricality of the killings (complete with messages written in blood at the crime scenes) unleashed on Aug. 8-9, 1969, that jolted the nation’s psyche.

The Ellis-Zombie collaboration aims to tell converging stories of people and events leading up to and after the murders, from shifting points of view. The project is envisioned as a multipart series, but it is one of many limited series projects in the works and is far away from receiving a greenlight.

The idea for the project began with Zombie and Adam Kolbrenner and Robyn Meisinger of Madhouse Entertainment. They developed the concept and brought it to Ellis and Alcon. To date, no source material has been optioned for the project, which plans to take an original approach to dramatizing stories drawn from the historical record.

Ellis, Zombie and the Madhouse principals will exec produce with Alcon’s Sharon Hall, Andrew Kosove and Broderick Johnson. Ben Roberts and Ryan Cunningham serve as co-producers.

“I have been obsessed with this insane story since I was a kid, so obviously I jumped at the chance to be involved in this incredible project. After speaking with Bret, I immediately realized that we shared the same vision for this epic madness,” Zombie said.

Manson was sentenced to death in 1971, but the sentence changed to life in prison when the U.S. Supreme Court deemed the death penalty unconstitutional the following year (the court later reversed itself, and California reinstated the death penalty, but Manson’s life-in-prisonment sentence was left standing). He has been denied parole 12 times.

Ellis most recently penned the micro-budgeted Lindsay Lohan starrer “The Canyons,” released last year by IFC. Zombie’s last directorial effort was the 2013 indie “The Lords of Salem.”

Well, ****. :eek:

The Official cast Luke Cage thread

I can't post images from the device I'm using but my pick is Billy Brown, I feel like he's got the chops to play a character like cage and he's also got the natural size and voice. I feel like he really needs a big "break out" type role and this could be it.

Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth (Greengrass?)


Well, it seems religion is now the hot commodity for Hollywood. With an audience primed for the release of ‘SON OF GOD’ this weekend (whose producers scored big ratings with their epic History Channel miniseries ‘THE BIBLE’); we will also be getting an adaptation of the best-selling book “HEAVEN IS FOR REAL” with Greg Kinnear (about a dad who has a near-death experience) on April 16th. Not to mention the upcoming ‘NOAH’ (March 28th) directed by Darren Aronofsky and ‘EXODUS’ with Christian Bale, directed by Ridley Scott, premiering in December. That’s a lot of religious themed properties hoping to have ‘PASSION OF THE CHRIST’ type box office numbers.

Well, add one more property to the list: ‘ZEALOT’. The best selling novel was reported last December by Buzzfeed with Lionsgate grabbing up the rights to adapt:

Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth, the somewhat controversial historical book about Jesus by Dr. Reza Aslan, will be adapted by Lionsgate into a feature film, the studio announced.

And now, a close source with knowledge of the project dropped a name for us as a possible candidate to direct. And it’s none other than Paul Greengrass (UNITED 93, CAPTAIN PHILLIPS, BOURNE IDENTITY 2 and 3). Our source confirmed that he is at the top of Lionsgate’s list with the hope that he’ll not only direct but also oversee the development of the project.

The full title of the book is “Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth,” authored by Reza Aslan; who made quite the headlines with a FOX NEWS interview that was both uncomfortable and embarssaing to witness.

Scott Adkins campaigns for the role

I follow Scott Adkins on facebook and him/his official page posted a link to a petition for him to be cast as Iron Fist. There are about 600 signatures so far. I believe he is perfect for the role. Decent enough actor and superb martial artist. What do you guys think? I would definitely prefer for a legit martial artist to be in the role and not just a face with his stuntman.

VIDEO-CLick to Watch!:

Even The Wrestling Thread Gets Cheered Over Batista! - Part 148

This is a continuation thread, the old thread is Here

That "one" flaw

What are some movies you enjoy but have some aspect to them that has you roll your eyes every time you see it? These flaws probably stick out all the more because you think the rest of the movie is so entertaining


I just don't buy into the love Wallace has with his wife. He sees her once when they are kids, she gives him a thistle, and that's it. Not enough for me to believe that he remembered and loved her all those years

The Dark Knight

I can easily move past any story flaws, but every time I see Two-Face I have trouble suspending my belief. No way can a guy look like that and still function as Harvey Does. It's even harder to swallow given how much Nolan tries for practicality.

The Truth About Superhero Movie:an article about all the recent casting controversies

What do you think?

The Inevitable Costume Thread

So, what should it be like? What material, what shade of red? Should they try and start with the yellow costume or go straight to the red one? Lets all hope it's not a leather biker outfit this time!

Feared lost, original art of Wolverine debut found

jeudi 27 février 2014

Patrick Wilson is Ant-Man too (maybe)

From the main page:


Patrick Wilson is the latest addition to the cast of Marvel Studios' Ant-Man . Deadline has the news, claiming that the The Conjuring star will join Paul Rudd and Michael Douglas for the July 17, 2015 release. Evangeline Lilly and Michael Pena are also nearly set to join the cast, although neither has been locked at this time. Wilson's role is, for the time being, a mystery. He's no stranger to comic book films, however. He played Nite Owl in Watchmen, the 2009 feature adaptation of Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons' epochal work from the Distinguished Competition.

Set to begin production shortly in Georgia, Ant-Man will be directed by Edgar Wright, who co-wrote the script with Joe Cornish (Attack the Block).

The film, which is supposed to launch "Phase Three" of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, will follow Avengers: Age of Ultron 's May 1, 2015 release

I guess he'll be 60ies Pym, but I could be wrong. It just seems very, very likely.

Which Villains should appear in this TV series?

Daredevil has kinda of a hit or miss rogues gallery, so what villains should appear in this TV series.

There are some must have villains like Kingpin, Bullseye, Elektra, Typhoid Mary, etc.

But you could do some things with some of the B-list DD villains like: Bullet, Mr. Fear (assuming people don't think he is too similar to Scarecrow), Gladiator, Purple Man (though he may be the main villain in the Jessica Jones series), Owl, as a rival to Kingpin.

You can also change some villains for TV, for example instead of the Wild Boys being two thugs, it can be an entire low level street gang DD deals with.

I like Mr. Hyde and Bushwacker, but they may not work on a TV budget.

Stilt-Man is really silly and wouldn't work on a TV budget and Jester is a bit too much of a Joker clone.

Arrow Season 2 Episode 15: "The Promise" Rate and Review Thread

Oliver is shocked when he learns that Slade has come to Starling City. Back on the island, as Oliver, Slade and Sara prepare to take over the freighter from Ivo, Sara pulls Oliver aside and tells him he needs to kill Ivo to prevent him from telling Slade what happened with Shado. Oliver feels immense guilt over the situation but realizes Slade's growing rage from the Mirakuru makes him unpredictable and he could turn on his friends if he thinks Oliver is to blame. Oliver agrees to kill Ivo and the battle begins.


Drew Goddard is the Showrunner Thread

Talk about the Daredevil showrunner, Drew Goddard!

Broad City

Anyone else watch this show on Comedy Central? I freaking love it. Ilana Glazer and Abbi Jacobson crack me the hell up. Last night's episode was so inappropriately hilarious.

Five Dollar Foot Lounge - Part 69

This is a continuation thread, the old thread is Here

Legendary Pictures' 2014 Godzilla Reboot - Directed by Gareth Edwards - Part 7

This is a continuation thread, the old thread is Here

Doctor Who - The EXTERMINATE Edition - Part 16

This is a continuation thread, the old thread is Here

Dark Knight Cowl

Our finished Dark Knight Cowl. Made from High Quality Urethane Rubber (not cheap latex). The shape holds incredibly well. Can be customized to any head size.

For more info, please email us at: or visit our website:

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Nightwing Mask

Hey everyone,

Below is our latest Nightwing Mask. It's lightweight, made with urethane rubber. We can make it in any color requested.

For more info, please email us at: or visit our website:

We're also on Facebook:

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Jessica Jones General Discussion Thread

Let it begin. What direction will the show take?

Jessica Jones General Discussion Thread

So, Jessica Jones is heading to Netflix!

Kicking things off, who do you want to see play her?

Melissa Rosenberg

Thoughts? Concerns? I'm not a fan of the Twilight stuff, but Dexter held my attention.

Considering that she wrote Dexter, and that Jessica Jones will have a lot of freedom not available to ABC, I expect a pretty close adaptation of the comic, which was one of the best comics I've read in the last 10 years or so. I'm not sure if they can go completely over the top (Purple Man having the two girls going at it in the background while completely nude, or the references backdoor penetration) but they should be able to keep it interesting.

Is the USA a pseudo-fascist state? (Police constantly abusing people)

I'm telling you, news stories in which police beat people up, harass people to fill quotas (stop and searches), arresting people for no discernible reason, and even killing people, these stories are constant.

Latest one, search on youtube 'Police brutality over a paid bus fair'.

I can't post it or link it because of the swearing.

A guy gets off a bus and police ask for his ID and ask to see his ticket. He shows them. They hold him any way. He asks them repeatedly why they're holding them and he doesn't get any answer. This goes on for a couple of minutes. He eventually tries to move, they grab him, more police arrive and they tackle him to the ground and sit on top of him, one cop can be seen delivering a kick to the head.

It's not the WORST, and that's sad that I even have to state that, yet its also clearly unacceptable.

Show me your papers please!