jeudi 30 octobre 2014

Scenes from the comics you'd like to see in the movie?

Even though some of us have read the leaked script, there's always room for a polish and changes, so... what scenes from the comics would you like to see in the movie?

Personally, there's one scene from the comics which defines the character's more serious traits. It's from the second Deadpool mini-series written by Mark Waid, Sins from the Past, when Juggernaut takes off his mask and Wade loses his cool and unleashes his rage (and fear), as his then love-interest Syrin was nearby, and he didn't want her to see his scarred face.

Unfortunately I have a very slow connection right now, so it'd take an eternity to post scans of the scene (if someone else can do it, feel free to post 'em).

It's a moment I love, and I'd definitely like to see something similar in the movie.

And what about you?

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