jeudi 30 octobre 2014

Hype! Deathmatch: Round 3, Match 4: Parker Wayne vs SuperFerret

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Artwork courtesy of JP

Parker Wayne's Titantron

VIDEO-CLick to Watch!:

SuperFerret's Titantron

VIDEO-CLick to Watch!:


In round three, each match will last 3 days. The player with the most votes at the end of 3 days will move on to the semi-finals! The matches for round three are as follows:


Match 1: Spider Aziz vs JJJ's Ulcer

Match 2: NewYorkSpider vs ComicChick

Match 3: The Original Bamfer vs Lord Valumart

Match 4: SpideyFan866 vs AnneFan

Match 5: JP vs enterthemadness

Match 6: DirtyHarry vs SuperFerret

Match 7: Parker Wayne vs DarkSentinel

Match 8: MrMaooz vs CosmicPinchy

Match 9: Knowsbleed vs Duke

Match 10: tacit-ronin vs E-Man

Match 11: Asteroid-Man vs SymbioticToxin

Match 12: JustABill vs Fallen Angel

Match 13: OriginalMiles vs LibidoLoca

Match 14: Aesop Rocks vs Shlee

Match 15: Cory vs TheDreamMaster

Match 16: Sawyer vs DarkSovereignty


Match 1: E-Man vs SuperFerret

Match 2: CosmicPinchy vs AnneFan

Match 3: JJJ's Ulcer vs Aesop Rocks

Match 4: Cory vs JustABill

Match 5: The Original Bamfer vs OriginalMiles

Match 6: JP vs enterthemadness vs SymbioticToxin

Match 7: ComicChick vs Duke

Match 8: Sawyer vs Parker Wayne


Match 1: ComicChick vs Cory

Match 2: AnneFan vs The Original Bamfer

Match 3: JJJ's Ulcer vs JP

Match 4: Parker Wayne vs SuperFerret

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